by Jim (the gunsmith)
Once the relief carving is completed, it’s time to start the wire inlay on the opposite side of the gun stock. The pattern is drawn out using French curves. Each line is then cut into the stock by hand, and flat brass wire is carefully tapped into the wood with a small tack hammer. The wood fibers lock the wire into place by friction.

Small leaves and individual flower petals are hand cut from brass sheets by hand with a fine jeweler’s saw and inlet into place. A small amount of glue holds each part in place.

The stock is sanded down to the final grit and a light coat of stain is added to begin the process of final fitting before applying the finish.

At this time I allow the butt stock to dry and begin work on the matching fore arm.

The fore end of the rifle gets an escutcheon that the attaching screw will pass through to hold it to the bottom of the barrel.