Paper nest material for muzzle loaders
By Jim With the cooler months of the year coming up, this means muzzle loader season will be on us soon. One of the things I want to...
Paper nest material for muzzle loaders
Remington 8 and 81 barrel jacket mysteries
Loading for an antique 10 gauge
Loading for British revolvers.
Blow tubes, moose milk, and related ramblings.
Building a 1911
Lightning bolt custom rifle
Lichtenberg burning.
Repairing a broken stock.
Cleaning your guns with a potato
Forging an acorn shaped bolt knob
Restoring a Colt #2 derringer
Making .55 caliber shotgun shells
Repairing a model 8 part 2
Repairing a Remington model 8
Repairing a firing pin 1871 Rolling Block pistol
Spencer carbine conversion
Test firing an 1833 Type II Hall / North carbine
A Hall / North carbine
A method of crowning a muzzle